Older people
Wiltshire’s population is ageing and, while this presents a unique range of challenges, it also provides an opportunity to positively reshape how we view ageing within our own local communities. According to the 2021 Census, just over a fifth of Wiltshire’s population (22%) is currently comprised of persons aged 65 years and over, however, by 2040, this will be closer to a third. The number of people aged 85 years and over in Wiltshire is also set to rise. By 2040, 5% of Wiltshire’s overall population will fall within this age bracket compared with 3% in the last Census.
Whilst many people will live full active lives, an older population typically has more complex health and care needs. When examining the impacts of ageing, however, it is important to consider all factors that influence wellbeing in later life other than just health and social care. These include our neighbourhoods, housing and the built environment, transport, recreation and leisure. Embedding an age friendly approach should therefore be a key consideration in the design and provision of local services and initiatives.
Data in relation to a number of indicators is presented below in order to show how outcomes for older people vary across Wiltshire as well as to help inform community-led work within this area.
The CAJSNA information is primarily shown in interactive charts. These allow the user to hover over them and show extra detail within a tooltip, as well as the ability to remove indicators by deselecting them from the legend.
Older people - population
In the 2021 Census, Wiltshire’s total population stood at around 510,400 people and this is projected to rise by a further 7% over the next 20 years. This increase however, will not be reflected equally across all age ranges as the largest growth is anticipated within our older populations.
Currently, just over a fifth of Wiltshire’s population (22%) is comprised of persons aged 65 years and over, however, by 2040, this will be closer to a third. This equates to almost 160,000 people and a projected rise of 43%.
The proportion of persons aged 65 years and over within each of Wiltshire's community areas is provided in the chart below.
The number of people aged 85 years and over in Wiltshire is also set to notably rise. By 2040, approximately 29,000 people living in Wiltshire will be within this age bracket, equivalent to 5% of Wiltshire’s overall population. This represents a marked increase of 87% over the next 20 years.
The proportion of persons aged 85 years and over within each of Wiltshire's community areas is provided in the chart below.
Definition: Percentage of population aged 65 years and over, and aged 85 years and over. Census data published at Output Area (OA) level and assigned to Area Board based on the location of the OA's population-weighted centroid.
Data source and time period: Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census. Table RM121: Sex by age. March 2021.