Current understanding of the local prevalence of self-harm is largely based upon emergency hospital admissions data for intentional self-harm. This is provided by Bath and Northeast Somerset (BaNES), Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board.
Data from the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) has highlighted Wiltshire as a national statistical outlier in comparison to other areas.
In November 2023, Wiltshire Council, Public Health co-ordinated the first Wiltshire summit on self-harm. This was an opportunity to set the landscape for future action. Stakeholders assembled to discuss what we know about this challenging area and to collectively agree strategic and operational action, and cultural change, to provide:
- Accessible, compassionate and appropriate support for people of all ages who are at risk of, or are already engaging in, self-harming behaviours.
- Support and training to those delivering services
Discussions were supported by invaluable contributions from a group of young people from the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Participation group, who shared their personal experiences of self-harm with professionals.
This report outlines what we know and have learnt about self-harm. Importantly, it sets out our intended action over the next 2 years. Following this period, progress will be reviewed, and action will be adjusted in accordance with this.